Sunday, October 5, 2014

Infofree sucks, don't work there

As a workplace is a terrible place to work. There are a lot of layoffs and management wants you to guess on what to do instead of telling what they want from their workers. If you don't guess what they want then you get laid off. Do not work in the customer service or sales departments because they are horrible departments to work for.

Why customer service management sucks:

The CS manager sends out a lot of emails with all caps.

CS manager gives a lot of confusing directions and when you don't do exactly as she says you will get yelled at by her either via email or she will say something nasty.

CS manager won't say hello if you say hello to her.

CS manager plays favorites and is cliquish. She only likes to talk to RJ and Matt.

CS manager likes to pass off her mistakes as her customer service reps mistakes and will tell management you are not doing your job.

When CSR is being harassed by sales people, management won't protect you from the sales department.

Commissions at infofree are not paid out at all.

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